About Us

the master of arts.

Also known under the brand of BuenoShoes, Ethem Ayakkabı LTD. has a history dating back to 1950’s.The facility,which Ethem OZTURAN started with his hand loom with labor and love of art, have been carried to our day’s by, his son Erdem OZTURAN.

the pleasure of being unique.

Our brand stroked a unique character with the finest genuine leather; comfort, quality and fashion created by handmade. We are marching forward steadily & confidently to keep the honor of being a “global brand” with our ever-evolving elegant & exclusive collections.

the thrill to lead the fashion.

With unending efforts of our partners spread accross the globe bueno became one of the most preferred and trusted brand in international scales. To present the Turkish shoes industry in global market successfully, which is our goal, made us have the thrill to lead the fashion.


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Ethem Ayakkabı Deri Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. Şti
(Bueno Shoes)